17/12/2024 @ 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm GMT
Reunion/Christmas drinks will be TUESDAY 17th December at the Crosse Keys
Reunion/Christmas drinks will be TUESDAY 17th December at the Crosse Keys
We are thrilled to announce that our reunion event is scheduled for 17th December 2023. Start time is from 5.00pm or whenever more than one person is present!
So mark your calendars, dust off your party hats, and get ready for a fun-filled night of reminiscing, laughing, and reconnecting. We can’t wait to see you all again!
Reunion/Christmas drinks will be TUESDAY 19th December at the Crosse Keys
It’s been a long time since we last saw each other, but the wait is finally over! We are thrilled to announce that our reunion event is back on track and scheduled for 19th December 2023. Start time is from 5.00pm
No more train strikes or Covid lockdowns to stop us from catching up and having a blast.
So mark your calendars, dust off your party hats, and get ready for a fun-filled night of reminiscing, laughing, and reconnecting. We can’t wait to see you all again!
CBP Reunion. It’s not back! Don’t Book your place at our next reunion or just turn up!
It’s was planned for Tuesday 13th December. 2022. Trains aren’t running. See Facebook Group for full details or use the contact us page should you need further details and are not on Facebook.
Will they won’t they – We’ll it was a close call but called off at the last minute. Christmas happened though which was good.
After missing out last year it’s looking good to have a reunion this year, currently planned for 14th December. If there are any changes we’ll publish them here as well as on Facebook
Date for Christmas drinks will be TUESDAY 17th DECEMBER
Venue : The Crosse Keys
All are welcome
If you head over the to the right hand side of the bar, back corner you will find us. Samia will be there between 5 – 6pm, the early birds will be there from 4pm
Housekeeping : There will be a list of names of those attending, please can you initial your name to confirm or add your name if I accidently missed you off. Bryan has managed to keep the attendance records up to date and I intend to keep that going.
Please message Samia on samia.jackson@btinternet.com if you have not received an email and I will add you to my email list